Her absolute, hands-down favorite food so far is oatmeal. Because I was concerned about iron, I opted to use a fortified commercial brand instead of making my own. We feed her Earth's Best organic whole-grain oatmeal, and it's a hit!
To date, her foods and opinions on them include (in order of introduction):
-- avocado (liked, then didn't like, now likes)
-- sweet potato (didn't like, now tolerates)
-- [rice cereal] (she has just had some tastes of this at our "baby pre-school" class, she likes it fine)
-- oatmeal (her favorite)
-- unweetened applesauce (also introduced at baby pre-school and I decided to go ahead and let her eat a little every few days -- she loves it)
-- banana (didn't like, now tolerates)
-- peaches (just a taste, at pre-school, she liked them)
And next on the lineup, later today, is butternut squash. So there's some variation from my original plan, but on the whole I'm happy with the schedule so far.
I've been asked why I was skipping rice cereal. In my opinion, there's not much point to it. Rice cereal is usually given as a first food because it has a very low allergy risk. However, it doesn't have much to offer - nutritionally - other than calories and fortified iron. I decided that I wanted to maximize nutrition, and oatmeal offers more vitamins and fiber, as well as the iron, with a similarly low allergy risk.
With the exception of the oatmeal and applesauce, I am making all her food myself. I use the "food-cube" method. I buy the produce -- all organic -- then cook and/or puree it at home. She'll eat a bit fresh that day, and the rest gets frozen in an ice cube tray overnight. Then I pop the cubes out and store them in freezer bags. So far I've made two avocados, three sweet potatoes, and 2 bananas . . . and I have enough of all these foods to last another 10-15 days. It's much cheaper and more environmentally friendly than buying all those little jars! Plus it's very satisfying.
Also now that so many people start thier kids off on rice cereal they are starting to see an increase in allergies to rice... of all things. Blake never liked it, our next kid(s) will probably never have it.
Thanks for answering my question Kate! :) Shaun was never a fan of rice cereal either and oatmeal was (and remains) his favourite. He has it - in the grown-up way - every single morning for breakfast.
I made all Shaun's baby food too. I couldn't stomach paying for food when I could make it just as easily at home. Then as Shaun got older but still wasn't ready to table food I would puree whatever we were eating with some thawed breast milk. It really takes a lot less time than anyone who doesn't make their baby food realizes.
And Nora is so beautiful! Her eyes are The most incredible I've seen in a very very long time. <3
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