Monday, December 3, 2007

On Eating Soy

Soy is a bit of a controversial food. For several years, it was promoted as a superfood. More recently, some have raised concerns about its estrogen-ic qualities, and there was some speculation that it could mess with the hormones of a pregnant woman or her unborn child.

I was very hesitant to eat much soy during the first part of this pregnancy, so I avoided it for the most part. At my 19-week appointment, though, my OB (who I like very much) said that while she understood my concerns, she feels that soy is just fine to eat, and that you'd have to eat very large quantities of it to even come close to its purported estrogen-ic properties. So since then, while still being moderate, I've enjoyed its use more frequently. It is a very nice way to get protein.

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