Saturday, August 18, 2007

Early Pregnancy (6-7 Weeks)

"Morning sickness" has arrived. I had great plans for how I would only eat healthy, natural, organic foods during my pregnancy. They've all been squashed by the onset of near-constant nausea and fatigue. I have little to no energy for cooking or preparing healthy meals, and the foods that appeal to me are by-and-large high in sodium. On top of all this, I've had some complications and am prohibited from exercising. So I'm feeling less than ideal these days. I'm trying to remind myself that this will pass, and I can improve my diet during the second trimester!

Things-I'm-not-so-proud-of-eating in the past week include macaroni and cheese (usually Annie's or Whole Foods brands), canned minestrone soup, cheese pizza, 7-Up, lemonade, and ginger snaps.

Borderline foods that have given me some comfort include egg noodles simmered in canned vegetable broth with carrot, garlic, and ginger, plain sparkling water, and stacks of Saltines.

Some of the healthier foods I've been able to stomach are smoothies (made with yogurt, bananas, and strawberries), salad, oranges, and Dipman beans (recipe to appear later).

On the whole, I feel like I'm probably not getting enough protein or calcium . . . but I'm working on it.

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