I boil some whole grain pasta for about ten minutes. After draining it, I add some grated organic cheddar cheese and stir it over low heat. I then throw in some cooked peas, mix it up well, and serve it to her with the pasta cut into small pieces and the peas smashed just a little. She loves it!
Now that we think she isn't allergic to wheat after all, I alternate between whole wheat pasta and quinoa-corn pasta. It also works well with brown rice pasta, but that's less nutritious. The cheese is Trader Joe's Organic New Zealand White Cheddar -- surprisingly affordable. And organic frozen peas are very easy to cook - I just simmer them in a few spoonfuls of water for about five minutes. You can also toss them into the pasta during the last few minutes of its boiling time, but then you risk losing some of the nutrients when you drain the water. It would also be easy to change up the vegetables -- use broccoli, carrots, green beans, or something else.
I often make a triple-batch (which is still pretty small), then divide it into BPA-free tupperware and serve it for three days in a row.