Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sitting Up!

My baby girl can sit up by herself . . . she's growing up so fast! We're just a week and a half shy of her 6-month birthday, when she'll start solid foods. We'll start with vegetables and then fruits, in lieu of the traditional rice cereal which I'm hoping to skip altogether. I think early cereals will include oatmeal and quinoa, pending a little more research.

My current plan, assuming our pediatrician approves it, is to start with avocado, then sweet potatoes, carrots, green peas, bananas, pumpkin, and squash (heavy on the autumn harvest). I'm pretty excited and think it will be lots of fun for both of us!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh goodness, is she ever cute!!

Let me know how solid foods go for you! I'd love to why you're choosing to skip rice cereal. I always thought that was the recommended first cereal because of its low allergenic properties.